CLI Slurm Platform#

The SLURM platform related commands can be accessed with idmtools slurm. All slurm commands require job directory. See the details of the top level command below for detailed help:

$ idmtools slurm <JOB_DIRECTORY> --help
INI File Found: /home/docs/checkouts/
Usage: idmtools slurm [OPTIONS] JOB_DIRECTORY COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Commands related to managing the SLURM platform.

  job_directory: Slurm Working Directory

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  get-job        Get Suite/Experiment/Simulation slurm job
  get-latest     Get the latest experiment info
  get-path       Get Suite/Experiment/Simulation directory
  get-status     Get status of Experiment/Simulation
  status         Get simulation's status
  status-report  Get simulation's report