Running parameter sweeps with Python models#

For Python modelers running parameter sweeps, we have multiple examples, as described in the following sections.


First, import some necessary system and idmtools packages.

  • TemplatedSimulations: A utility that builds simulations from a template,

  • SimulationBuilder: An interface to different types of sweeps. It is used in conjunction with TemplatedSimulations.

  • Platform: To specify the platform you want to run your experiment on.

  • JSONConfiguredPythonTask: We want to run a task executing a Python script. We will run a task in each simulation using this object. This particular task has a JSON config that is generated as well. There are other Python tasks with either different or no configuration formats.

import os
import sys
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Dict

from import SimulationBuilder
from idmtools.core.platform_factory import Platform
from idmtools.entities.experiment import Experiment
from idmtools.entities.simulation import Simulation
from idmtools.entities.templated_simulation import TemplatedSimulations
from idmtools_models.python.json_python_task import JSONConfiguredPythonTask

We have Python model defined in “” which has 3 parameters: “a, b, c” and supports a JSON config from a file named “config.json”. We want to sweep the parameters “a” for the values 0-2 and “b” for the values 1-3 and keep “c” as value 0.

To accomplish this, we are going to proceed in a few high-level steps. See for workflow.

  1. Define our base task. This task is the common configuration across all our tasks. For us, that means some basic run info like script path as well as our parameter/value we don’t plan on sweeping, “c”.

  2. Then we will define our TemplatedSimulations object that will use our task to build a series of simulations.

  3. Then we will define a SimulationBuilder and define our sweeps. This will involve also writing some callback functions that update the each task’s config with the sweep values.

  4. Then we will add our SimulationBuilder to our TemplatedSimulations object.

  5. We will then build our Experiment object using TemplatedSimulations as our simulations list.

  6. Lastly we will run the experiment on the platform.

First, let’s define our base task. Normally, you want to do set any assets/configurations you want across the all the different simulations we are going to build for our experiment. Here we set “c” to 0 since we do not want to sweep it.

task = JSONConfiguredPythonTask(script_path=os.path.join("inputs", "python_model_with_deps", "Assets", ""),

Now let’s use this task to create a TemplatedSimulations builder. This will build new simulations from sweep builders we will define later. We can also use it to manipulate base_task or base_simulation objects.

ts = TemplatedSimulations(base_task=task)

We can define common metadata like tags across all the simulations using base_simulation object.

ts.base_simulation.tags['tag1'] = 1

Since we have our templated simulation object now, let’s define our sweeps. To do that we need to use a builder:

builder = SimulationBuilder()

When adding sweep definitions, you need to generally provide two items.

See for a diagram of how simulations are built using TemplatedSimulations and SimulationBuilder.

  1. A callback function that will be called for every value in the sweep. This function will receive a simulation object and a value. You then define how to use those within the simulation. Generally, you want to pass those to your task’s configuration interface. In this example, we are using JSONConfiguredPythonTask which has a set_parameter function that takes a simulation, a parameter name, and a value. To pass to this function, we will use either a class wrapper or function partials.

  2. A list/generator of values

Since our model uses a JSON config let’s define a utility function that will update a single parameter at a time on the model and add that param/value pair as a tag on our simulation.

def param_update(simulation: Simulation, param: str, value: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    This function is called during sweeping allowing us to pass the generated sweep values to our Task Configuration

    We always receive a Simulation object. We know that simulations all have tasks and that for our particular set
    of simulations they will all include :py:class:`~idmtools_models.python.json_python_task.JSONConfiguredPythonTask`. We configure the model with calls to set_parameter
    to update the config. In addition, we are can return a dictionary of tags to add to the simulations so we return
    the output of the 'set_parameter' call since it returns the param/value pair we set

        simulation: Simulation we are configuring
        param: Param string passed to use
        value: Value to set param to


    return simulation.task.set_parameter(param, value)

Let’s sweep the parameter “a” for the values 0-2. Since our utility function requires a simulation, param, and value, the sweep framework calls our function with a simulation and value. Let’s use the partial function to define that we want the param value to always be “a” so we can perform our sweep.

setA = partial(param_update, param="a")

Now add the sweep to our builder:

builder.add_sweep_definition(setA, range(3))
  1# Example Python Experiment with JSON Configuration
  2# In this example, we will demonstrate how to run a python experiment with JSON Configuration
  4# First, import some necessary system and idmtools packages.
  5# - TemplatedSimulations: A utility that builds simulations from a template
  6# - SimulationBuilder: An interface to different types of sweeps. It is used in conjunction with TemplatedSimulations
  7# - Platform: To specify the platform you want to run your experiment on
  8# - JSONConfiguredPythonTask: We want to run an task executing a Python script. We will run a task in each simulation
  9# using this object. This particular task has a json config that is generated as well. There are other python task
 10# we either different or no configuration formats.
 11import os
 12import sys
 13from functools import partial
 14from typing import Any, Dict
 16from import SimulationBuilder
 17from idmtools.core.platform_factory import Platform
 18from idmtools.entities.experiment import Experiment
 19from idmtools.entities.simulation import Simulation
 20from idmtools.entities.templated_simulation import TemplatedSimulations
 21from idmtools_models.python.json_python_task import JSONConfiguredPythonTask
 23# We have python model defined in "" which has 3 parameters: a, b, c and supports
 24# a json config from a file named "config".json. We want to sweep the parameters a for the values 0-2 and b for the
 25# values 1-3 and keep c as value 0.
 26# To accomplish this, we are going to proceed in a few high-level steps. See for workflow
 27# 1. Define our base task. This task is the common configuration across all our tasks. For us, that means some basic
 28#    run info like script path as well as our parameter/value we don't plan on sweeping, c
 29# 2. Then we will define our TemplateSimulations object that will use our task to build a series of simulations
 30# 3. Then we will define a SimulationBuilder and define our sweeps. This will invlove also writing some callback
 31# functions that update the each task's config with the swep values
 32# 4. Then we will add our simulation builder to our TemplateSimulation object.
 33# 5. We will then build our Experiment object using the TemplateSimulations as our simulations list.
 34# 6. Lastly we will run the experiment on the platform
 36# first let's define our base task. Normally, you want to do set any assets/configurations you want across the
 37# all the different Simulations we are going to build for our experiment. Here we set c to 0 since we do not want to
 38# sweep it
 39task = JSONConfiguredPythonTask(script_path=os.path.join("inputs", "python", "Assets", ""),
 40                                parameters=(dict(c=0)))
 42# now let's use this task to create a TemplatedSimulation builder. This will build new simulations from sweep builders
 43# we will define later. We can also use it to manipulate the base_task or the base_simulation
 44ts = TemplatedSimulations(base_task=task)
 45# We can define common metadata like tags across all the simulations using the base_simulation object
 46ts.base_simulation.tags['tag1'] = 1
 48# Since we have our templated simulation object now, let's define our sweeps
 49# To do that we need to use a builder
 50builder = SimulationBuilder()
 52# When adding sweep definitions, you need to generally provide two items
 53# See for a diagram of how the Simulations are built using TemplateSimulations +
 54# SimulationBuilders
 55# 1. A callback function that will be called for every value in the sweep. This function will receive a Simulation
 56#    object and a value. You then define how to use those within the simulation. Generally, you want to pass those
 57#    to your task's configuration interface. In this example, we are using JSONConfiguredPythonTask which has a
 58#    set_parameter function that takes a Simulation, a parameter name, and a value. To pass to this function, we will
 59#    user either a class wrapper or function partials
 60# 2. A list/generator of values
 62# Since our models uses a json config let's define an utility function that will update a single parameter at a
 63# time on the model and add that param/value pair as a tag on our simulation.
 66def param_update(simulation: Simulation, param: str, value: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
 67    """
 68    This function is called during sweeping allowing us to pass the generated sweep values to our Task Configuration
 70    We always receive a Simulation object. We know that simulations all have tasks and that for our particular set
 71    of simulations they will all include JSONConfiguredPythonTask. We configure the model with calls to set_parameter
 72    to update the config. In addition, we are can return a dictionary of tags to add to the simulations so we return
 73    the output of the 'set_parameter' call since it returns the param/value pair we set
 75    Args:
 76        simulation: Simulation we are configuring
 77        param: Param string passed to use
 78        value: Value to set param to
 80    Returns:
 82    """
 83    return simulation.task.set_parameter(param, value)
 86# Let's sweep the parameter 'a' for the values 0-2. Since our utility function requires a Simulation, param, and value
 87# but the sweep framework all calls our function with Simulation, value, let's use the partial function to define
 88# that we want the param value to always be "a" so we can perform our sweep
 89setA = partial(param_update, param="a")
 90# now add the sweep to our builder
 91builder.add_sweep_definition(setA, range(3))
 94# An alternative to using partial is define a class that store the param and is callable later. let's use that technique
 95# to perform a sweep one the values 1-3 on parameter b
 97# First define our class. The trick here is we overload __call__ so that after we create the class, and calls to the
 98# instance will be relayed to the task in a fashion identical to the param_update function above. It is generally not
 99# best practice to define a class like this in the body of our main script so it is advised to place this in a library
100# or at the very least the top of your file.
101class setParam:
102    def __init__(self, param):
103        self.param = param
105    def __call__(self, simulation, value):
106        return simulation.task.set_parameter(self.param, value)
109# Now add our sweep on a list
110builder.add_sweep_definition(setParam("b"), [1, 2, 3])
113# Now we can create our Experiment using our template builder
114experiment = Experiment.from_template(ts, name=os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1])
115# Add our own custom tag to simulation
116experiment.tags["tag1"] = 1
117# And maybe some custom Experiment Level Assets
118experiment.assets.add_directory(assets_directory=os.path.join("inputs", "python_model_with_deps", "Assets"))
120# In order to run the experiment, we need to create a `Platform`
121# The `Platform` defines where we want to run our simulation.
122# You can easily switch platforms by changing the Platform to for example 'CALCULON'
123with Platform('CALCULON'):
125    # The last step is to call run() on the ExperimentManager to run the simulations.
127    # use system status as the exit code
128    sys.exit(0 if experiment.succeeded else -1)


Example Python experiment with JSON configuration. In this example, we will demonstrate how to run a Python experiment with JSON configuration. First, import some necessary system and idmtools packages:

import os
import sys
import json
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Dict

from idmtools.analysis.analyze_manager import AnalyzeManager
from import SimulationBuilder
from idmtools.core import ItemType
from idmtools.core.platform_factory import Platform
from idmtools.entities.experiment import Experiment
from idmtools.entities.simulation import Simulation
from idmtools.entities.templated_simulation import TemplatedSimulations
from idmtools_models.python.json_python_task import JSONConfiguredPythonTask
from inputs.ye_seir_model.custom_csv_analyzer import NodeCSVAnalyzer, InfectiousnessCSVAnalyzer

Define some constant strings used in this example:

class ConfigParameters():
    Infectious_Period_Constant = "Infectious_Period_Constant"
    Base_Infectivity_Constant = "Base_Infectivity_Constant"
    Base_Infectivity_Distribution = "Base_Infectivity_Distribution"
    Base_Infectivity_Gaussian_Mean = "Base_Infectivity_Gaussian_Mean"
    Base_Infectivity_Gaussian_Std_Dev = "Base_Infectivity_Gaussian_Std_Dev"

Script needs to be in a main block, otherwise AnalyzeManager will have issue with multi-threads in Windows OS.

if __name__ == '__main__':

We have Python model defined in “” which takes several arguments like “–duration” and “–outbreak_coverage”, and supports a JSON config from a file named “nd_template.json”. We want to sweep some arguments passed in to “” and some parameters in “nd_template.json”.

To accomplish this, we are going to proceed in a few high-level steps. See for workflow

  1. Define our base task object. This task is the common configuration across all our tasks. For us, that means some basic run info like script path as well as our arguments/value and parameter/value we don’t plan on sweeping, “–duration”, and most of the parameters inside “nd_template.json”.

  2. Then we will define our TemplatedSimulations object that will use our task to build a series of simulations.

  3. Then we will define a SimulationBuilder and define our sweeps. This will involve also writing some callback functions that update the each task’s config or option with the sweep values.

  4. Then we will add our simulation builder to our TemplatedSimulations object.

  5. We will then build our Experiment object using TemplatedSimulations as our simulations list.

  6. We will run the experiment on the platform.

  7. Once and experiment is succeeded, we run two CSV analyzers to analyze results from the Python model.

  1. First, let’s define our base task. Normally, you want to do set any assets/configurations you want across the all the different simulations we are going to build for our experiment. Here we load config file from a template JSON file and rename the “config_file_name” (default value is config.json).

parameters = json.load(open(os.path.join("inputs", "ye_seir_model", "Assets", "templates", 'seir_configuration_template.json'), 'r'))
parameters[ConfigParameters.Base_Infectivity_Distribution] = ConfigParameters.GAUSSIAN_DISTRIBUTION
task = JSONConfiguredPythonTask(script_path=os.path.join("inputs", "ye_seir_model", "Assets", ""),

We define arguments/value for simulation duration that we don’t want to sweep as an option for the task.

task.command.add_option("--duration", 40)
  1. Now, let’s use this task to create a TemplatedSimulations builder. This will build new simulations from sweep builders we will define later. We can also use it to manipulate base_task or base_simulation objects.

ts = TemplatedSimulations(base_task=task)

We can define common metadata like tags across all the simulations using the base_simulation object.

ts.base_simulation.tags['simulation_name_tag'] = "SEIR_Model"
  1. Since we have our TemplatedSimulations object now, let’s define our sweeps.

To do that we need to use a builder:

builder = SimulationBuilder()

When adding sweep definitions, you need to generally provide two items.

See for a diagram of how the simulations are built using TemplatedSimulations and SimulationBuilder.

3.1. A callback function that will be called for every value in the sweep. This function will receive a Simulation object and a value. You then define how to use those within the simulation. Generally, you want to pass those to your task’s configuration interface. In this example, we are using JSONConfiguredPythonTask which has a set_parameter function that takes a simulation, a parameter name, and a value. To pass to this function, we will user either a class wrapper or function partials.

3.2. A list/generator of values

Since our models uses a JSON config let’s define an utility function that will update a single parameter at a time on the model and add that param/value pair as a tag on our simulation.

def param_update(simulation: Simulation, param: str, value: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    This function is called during sweeping allowing us to pass the generated sweep values to our Task Configuration

    We always receive a Simulation object. We know that simulations all have tasks and that for our particular set
    of simulations they will all include JSONConfiguredPythonTask. We configure the model with calls to set_parameter
    to update the config. In addition, we are can return a dictionary of tags to add to the simulations so we return
    the output of the 'set_parameter' call since it returns the param/value pair we set

        simulation: Simulation we are configuring
        param: Param string passed to use
        value: Value to set param to


    return simulation.task.set_parameter(param, value)

Let’s sweep the parameter Base_Infectivity_Gaussian_Mean for the values 0.5 and 2. Since our utility function requires a simulation, param, and value but the sweep framework all calls our function with simulation, value, let’s use the partial function to define that we want the param value to always be Base_Infectivity_Gaussian_Mean so we can perform our sweep set_base_infectivity_gaussian_mean = partial(param_update, param=ConfigParameters.Base_Infectivity_Gaussian_Mean) now add the sweep to our builder builder.add_sweep_definition(set_base_infectivity_gaussian_mean, [0.5, 2]).

An alternative to using partial is define a class that store the param and is callable later. Let’s use that technique to perform a sweep one the values 1 and 2 on parameter Base_Infectivity_Gaussian_Std_Dev.

First define our class. The trick here is we overload __call__ so that after we create the class, and calls to the instance will be relayed to the task in a fashion identical to the param_update function above. It is generally not best practice to define a class like this in the body of our main script so it is advised to place this in a library or at the very least the top of your file.

class setParam:
    def __init__(self, param):
        self.param = param

    def __call__(self, simulation, value):
        return simulation.task.set_parameter(self.param, value)

Now add our sweep on a list:

builder.add_sweep_definition(setParam(ConfigParameters.Base_Infectivity_Gaussian_Std_Dev), [0.3, 1])

Using the same methodologies, we can sweep on option/arguments that pass to our Python model. You can uncomment the following code to enable it.

3.3 First method:

# def option_update(simulation: Simulation, option: str, value: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
#     simulation.task.command.add_option(option, value)
#     return {option: value}
# set_outbreak_coverage = partial(option_update, option="--outbreak_coverage")
# builder.add_sweep_definition(set_outbreak_coverage, [0.01, 0.1])
# # 3.4 second method:
# class setOption:
#     def __init__(self, option):
#         self.option = option
#     def __call__(self, simulation, value):
#         simulation.task.command.add_option(self.option, value)
#         return {self.option: value}
# builder.add_sweep_definition(setOption("--population"), [1000, 4000])
  1. Add our builder to the template simulations.

  1. Now we can create our experiment using our template builder.

experiment = Experiment(name=os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1], simulations=ts)

Add our own custom tag to simulation.

experiment.tags['experiment_name_tag'] = "SEIR_Model"

And maybe some custom experiment level assets.

experiment.assets.add_directory(assets_directory=os.path.join("inputs", "ye_seir_model", "Assets"))
  1. In order to run the experiment, we need to create a Platform object.

Platform defines where we want to run our simulation.

You can easily switch platforms by changing Platform, for example to “Local”.

platform = Platform('COMPS2')

The last step is to call run() on the ExperimentManager to run the simulations.


Check experiment status, only move to analyzer step if experiment succeeded.

if not experiment.succeeded:
    print(f"Experiment {experiment.uid} failed.\n")
  1. Now let’s look at the experiment results. Here are two outputs we want to analyze.

filenames = ['output/individual.csv']
filenames_2 = ['output/node.csv']

Initialize two analyser classes with the path of the output csv file.

analyzers = [InfectiousnessCSVAnalyzer(filenames=filenames), NodeCSVAnalyzer(filenames=filenames_2)]

Specify the id Type, in this case an experiment on COMPS.

manager = AnalyzeManager(configuration={}, partial_analyze_ok=True, platform=platform,
                         ids=[(experiment.uid, ItemType.EXPERIMENT)],

Now analyze:



COMPS access is restricted to IDM employees. See additional documentation for using idmtools with other high-performance computing clusters.


In this example, we will demonstrate how to run a Python experiment using an asset collection on COMPS.

First, import some necessary system and idmtools packages:

import os
import sys
from functools import partial

from idmtools.assets import AssetCollection
from import SimulationBuilder
from idmtools.core.platform_factory import Platform
from idmtools.entities.experiment import Experiment
from idmtools.entities.templated_simulation import TemplatedSimulations
from idmtools_models.python.json_python_task import JSONConfiguredPythonTask
from idmtools_platform_comps.utils.python_requirements_ac.requirements_to_asset_collection import RequirementsToAssetCollection

In order to run the experiment, we need to create SimulationBuilder, Platform, Experiment, TemplatedSimulations, and JSONConfiguredPythonTask objects.

In addition AssetCollection and RequirementsToAssetCollection objects are created for using an asset collection on COMPS. Platform defines where we want to run our simulation. You can easily switch platforms by changing Platform, for example to “Local”.

platform = Platform('COMPS2')

pl = RequirementsToAssetCollection(platform,
                                   requirements_path=os.path.join("inputs", "allee_python_model", "requirements.txt"))

ac_id =
pandas_assets = AssetCollection.from_id(ac_id, platform=platform)

base_task = JSONConfiguredPythonTask(
    # specify the path to the script. This is most likely a scientific model
    script_path=os.path.join("inputs", "allee_python_model", ""),

Update and set simulation configuration parameters.

def param_update(simulation, param, value):
    return simulation.task.set_parameter(param, 'sweepR04_a_' + str(value) + '.json')

setA = partial(param_update, param="infile")

Define our template:

ts = TemplatedSimulations(base_task=base_task)

Now that the experiment is created, we can add sweeps to it and set additional params

builder = SimulationBuilder()
builder.add_sweep_definition(setA, range(7850, 7855))

Add sweep builder to template:


Create experiment:

e = Experiment.from_template(
    assets=AssetCollection.from_directory(os.path.join("inputs", "allee_python_model"))


Use system status as the exit code:

sys.exit(0 if e.succeeded else -1)