Event list#

The following list provides possible values for built-in events. These events can be broadcast to nodes to trigger interventions. You can also broadcast custom events, but the event names must be listed in the Custom_Individual_Events configuration parameter.

  • Births

  • EveryUpdate

  • NewInfectionEvent

  • NewClinicalCase

  • NewSevereCase

  • DiseaseDeaths (used by CommunityHealthWorkerEventCoordinator)

  • NonDiseaseDeaths (used by CommunityHealthWorkerEventCoordinator)

  • PropertyChange

  • InterventionDisqualified

  • Emigrating

  • Immigrating

  • NewlySymptomatic

  • SymptomaticCleared

  • SixWeeksOld

  • EighteenMonthsOld

  • NodePropertyChange

  • HappyBirthday

  • ExposureComplete

  • VectorToHumanTransmission

  • HumanToVectorTransmission

  • ReceivedInfectiousBites

  • InfectionCleared

  • NewMalariaInfectionObject