idmtools.entities.task_proxy module#

Defines our TaskProxy object.

The TaskProxy object is mean to reduce the memory requirements of large simulation sets/configurations after provisioning. Instead of keeping the full original object in memory, the object is replaced with a proxy object with minimal information needed to work with the task.

Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.

class idmtools.entities.task_proxy.TaskProxy(command: str | CommandLine | None = None, is_docker: bool = False, is_gpu: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: object

This class is used to reduce the memory footprint of tasks after a simulation has been provisioned.

command: str | CommandLine = None#
is_docker: bool = False#
is_gpu: bool = False#
static from_task(task: ITask)[source]#

Create a task proxy from a task.


task – Task to proxy


TaskProxy of task

__init__(command: str | CommandLine | None = None, is_docker: bool = False, is_gpu: bool = False) None#