emodpy_malaria.interventions.vaccine module#

This module contains functionality for vaccine distribution.

emodpy_malaria.interventions.vaccine.add_scheduled_vaccine(campaign, start_day: int = 1, demographic_coverage: float = 1.0, target_num_individuals: int | None = None, node_ids: list | None = None, repetitions: int = 1, timesteps_between_repetitions: int = 365, ind_property_restrictions: list | None = None, target_age_min: float = 0, target_age_max: float = 125, target_gender: str = 'All', target_residents_only: bool = False, broadcast_event: str | None = None, intervention_name: str = 'SimpleVaccine', vaccine_type: str = 'AcquisitionBlocking', vaccine_take: float = 1, vaccine_initial_effect: float = 1, vaccine_box_duration: int = 365, vaccine_decay_time_constant: float = 100, efficacy_is_multiplicative: bool = True)[source]#

Adds a scheduled SimpleVaccine event, with an optional BroadcastEvent, broadcast when vaccine is received.

  • campaign – campaign object to which the intervention will be added, and schema_path container

  • start_day – The day the intervention is given out.

  • demographic_coverage – This value is the probability that each individual in the target population will receive the intervention. It does not guarantee that the exact fraction of the target population set by Demographic_Coverage receives the intervention.

  • target_num_individuals – The exact number of people to select out of the targeted group. If this value is set, demographic_coverage parameter is ignored

  • node_ids – List of nodes to which to distribute the intervention. [] or None, indicates all nodes will get the intervention

  • repetitions – The number of times an intervention is given, used with timesteps_between_repetitions. -1 means the intervention repeats forever. Sets Number_Repetitions

  • timesteps_between_repetitions – The interval, in timesteps, between repetitions. Ignored if repetitions = 1. Sets Timesteps_Between_Repetitions

  • ind_property_restrictions – A list of dictionaries of IndividualProperties, which are needed for the individual to receive the intervention. Sets the Property_Restrictions_Within_Node

  • target_age_min – The lower end of ages targeted for an intervention, in years. Sets Target_Age_Min

  • target_age_max – The upper end of ages targeted for an intervention, in years. Sets Target_Age_Max

  • target_gender – The gender targeted for an intervention: All, Male, or Female.

  • target_residents_only – When set to True, the intervention is only distributed to individuals that began the simulation in the node (i.e. those that claim the node as their residence)

  • broadcast_event – “The name of the event to be broadcast. This event must be set in the Custom_Coordinator_Events configuration parameter. When None or Empty, nothing is broadcast.

  • intervention_name – The optional name used to refer to this intervention as a means to differentiate it from others that use the same class

  • vaccine_type – The type of vaccine to distribute in a vaccine intervention. Options are: “Generic”, “TransmissionBlocking”, “AcquisitionBlocking”, “MortalityBlocking”

  • vaccine_take – The rate at which delivered vaccines will successfully stimulate an immune response and achieve the desired efficacy.

  • vaccine_initial_effect – Initial efficacy of the vaccine, before decay.

  • vaccine_box_duration – Duration in days of initial efficacy of vaccine before it starts to decay.

  • vaccine_decay_time_constant – Time over which vaccine efficacy wanes and the vaccine_box_duration.

  • efficacy_is_multiplicative – The overall vaccine efficacy when individuals receive more than one vaccine. When set to true (1), the vaccine efficacies are multiplied together; when set to false (0), the efficacies are additive.



emodpy_malaria.interventions.vaccine.add_triggered_vaccine(campaign, start_day: int = 1, trigger_condition_list: list | None = None, listening_duration: int = -1, delay_period_constant: float = 0, demographic_coverage: float = 1.0, node_ids: list | None = None, repetitions: int = 1, timesteps_between_repetitions: int = 365, ind_property_restrictions: list | None = None, target_age_min: float = 0, target_age_max: float = 125, target_gender: str = 'All', target_residents_only: bool = False, broadcast_event: str | None = None, intervention_name: str = 'SimpleVaccine', vaccine_type: str = 'AcquisitionBlocking', vaccine_take: float = 1, vaccine_initial_effect: float = 1, vaccine_box_duration: float = 365, vaccine_decay_time_constant: float = 100, efficacy_is_multiplicative: bool = True)[source]#

Adds an event-triggered SimpleVaccine event, with an optional BroadcastEvent, broadcast when vaccine is received.

  • campaign – campaign object to which the intervention will be added, and schema_path container

  • start_day – The day the intervention is given out.

  • trigger_condition_list – A list of the events that will trigger intervention distribution.

  • listening_duration – The number of time steps that the distributed event will monitor for triggers. Default is -1, which is indefinitely.

  • delay_period_constant – Optional. Delay, in days, before the intervention is given out after a trigger is received.

  • demographic_coverage – This value is the probability that each individual in the target population will receive the intervention. It does not guarantee that the exact fraction of the target population set by Demographic_Coverage receives the intervention.

  • node_ids – List of nodes to which to distribute the intervention. [] or None, indicates all nodes will get the intervention

  • repetitions – The number of times an intervention is given, used with timesteps_between_repetitions. -1 means the intervention repeats forever. Sets Number_Repetitions

  • timesteps_between_repetitions – The interval, in timesteps, between repetitions. Ignored if repetitions = 1. Sets Timesteps_Between_Repetitions

  • ind_property_restrictions – A list of dictionaries of IndividualProperties, which are needed for the individual to receive the intervention. Sets the Property_Restrictions_Within_Node

  • target_age_min – The lower end of ages targeted for an intervention, in years. Sets Target_Age_Min

  • target_age_max – The upper end of ages targeted for an intervention, in years. Sets Target_Age_Max

  • target_gender – The gender targeted for an intervention: All, Male, or Female.

  • target_residents_only – When set to True, the intervention is only distributed to individuals that began the simulation in the node (i.e. those that claim the node as their residence)

  • broadcast_event – The name of the event to be broadcast. This event must be set in the Custom_Coordinator_Events configuration parameter. When None or “”, nothing is broadcast.

  • intervention_name – The optional name used to refer to this intervention as a means to differentiate it from others that use the same class

  • vaccine_type – The type of vaccine to distribute in a vaccine intervention. Options are: “Generic”, “TransmissionBlocking”, “AcquisitionBlocking”, “MortalityBlocking”

  • vaccine_take – The rate at which delivered vaccines will successfully stimulate an immune response and achieve the desired efficacy.

  • vaccine_initial_effect – Initial efficacy of the vaccine, before decay.

  • vaccine_box_duration – Duration in days of initial efficacy of vaccine before it starts to decay.

  • vaccine_decay_time_constant – Time over which vaccine efficacy wanes and the vaccine_box_duration.

  • efficacy_is_multiplicative – The overall vaccine efficacy when individuals receive more than one vaccine. When set to true (1), the vaccine efficacies are multiplied together; when set to false (0), the efficacies are additive.

  • malaria_vaccine – Type of malaria vaccine, one of ‘RTSS’ (simple vaccine), ‘PEV’ (preerythrocytic vaccine), ‘TBV’ (sexual stage vaccine). Defaults is ‘None’. Setting this parameter means you want pre-configured malaria vaccine and any other vaccine configuration parameters will be ignored.



emodpy_malaria.interventions.vaccine.new_intervention_as_file(campaign, start_day: int = 0, filename: str = 'SimpleVaccine.json')[source]#

Write a campaign file to disk with a single bednet event, using defaults. Useful for testing and learning.

  • campaign – The emod_api.campaign object to which the intervention will be added.

  • start_day – The day of the simulation on which the bednets are distributed. We recommend aligning this with the start of the simulation.

  • filename – The campaign filename; can be omitted and default will be used and returned to user.


The campaign filename written to disk.