

  • #2158 - Fix pygit2

  • #2165 - ArmSimulationBuilder display simulation count incorrect

  • #2216 - pywin32 package did not install with windows platform for idmtools_test

  • #2217 - simulation_build throw error with python3.7

  • #2218 - fileplatform can not create simlink with windows and python <3.8

  • #2232 - Fix and improve platform_task_hooks


  • #2174 - Update and move unittests in core and cli packages not depending on idmtools_models package


  • #2183 - SimulationBuilder assume input values object has __len__ defined

  • #2166 - SweepArm should support add_multiple_parameter_sweep_definition

  • #2167 - ArmSimulationBuilder needs rasie exception for call to add_sweep_definition and add_multiple_parameter_sweep_definition

  • #2168 - Refactor ArmSimulationBuilder and move general functionality to a base class

  • #2184 - Improved Simulation builders (fixed several issues)

  • #2192 - Builder function add_multiple_parameter_sweep_definition doesn’t support function with single dictionary parameter

  • #2194 - Sweeping function allow parameters with default values

  • #2195 - Combine two add sweeping functions into one

  • #2196 - Refactor Simulation Builders to remove duplicated code

  • #2214 - Investigation: idmtools support Python 3.12

  • #2203 - Refactor idmtools Simulation Builders structure.

  • #2206 - Investigate pkg_resources package replacement which was removed from Python 3.12


  • #2176 - Update jinja2 requirement from ~=3.1.2 to ~=3.1.3

  • #2180 - Update click requirement from ~=8.1.3 to ~=8.1.7

  • #2181 - Update packaging requirement from <22.0,>=20.4 to >=20.4,<24.0

  • #2182 - Update readthedocs-sphinx-search requirement from ~=0.3.1 to ~=0.3.2

  • #2189 - Update yaspin requirement from <2.4.0,>=1.2.0 to >=1.2.0,<3.1.0

  • #2199 - Update cookiecutter requirement from ~=2.1.1 to ~=2.6.0

  • #2204 - Update pytest-timeout requirement from ~=2.1.0 to ~=2.3.1

  • #2212 - Update jupyterlab requirement from ~=4.0.2 to ~=4.1.5

  • #2220 - Update pluggy requirement from ~=1.2 to ~=1.4

  • #2221 - Update nbsphinx requirement from ~=0.9.2 to ~=0.9.3

  • #2222 - Update packaging requirement from ~=23.2 to ~=24.0

  • #2223 - Update pygithub requirement from ~=1.57 to ~=2.3

  • #2227 - Update idm-buildtools requirement from ~=1.0.3 to ~=1.0.5

  • #2228 - Update junitparser requirement from ~=3.1.1 to ~=3.1.2

  • #2229 - Update coverage requirement from <6.6,>=5.3 to >=5.3,<7.5

  • #2230 - Update flake8 requirement from ~=6.0.0 to ~=7.0.0

  • #2231 - Update pytest-xdist requirement from ~=3.3 to ~=3.5


  • #2155 - Remove Bayesian tests

  • #2175 - Fix circular dependency for core and cli tests and move comps related test in core to comps test

  • #2213 - Fix bug for save_as for content type and add unittest

  • #2226 - unregister plugin in test_hooks.py to avoid affecting other test

Feature Request#

  • #2032 - Assetization workflow for generating SIF image should track using Asset ID instead of AC ID

  • #2160 - Remove local platform from idmtools repo

  • #2170 - Move unit tests in core package which depend on idmtools_platform_comps to idmtools_platform_comps

  • #2210 - Add download asset and use asset id in generate singularity builder instead of assetcollection

  • #2215 - Update idmtools to work with python 3.12


  • #2164 - Update tests from windows(Cumulus) to SlurmStage

  • #2173 - Give deprecating warning for duplicate wait_on_done function

  • #2224 - Migrate all examples and tests which reference Belegost or Bayesian to Caculon

User Experience#

  • #2233 - Consider un-register idmtools plugin