

  • #1657 - Analyzer manager failed to retrieve bin file to map()

  • #2135 - COMPSPlatform: not invoke idmtools_platform_post_create_item for Experiment

  • #2136 - SLURM/FILE Platforms: idmtools_platform_pre/post_create_item are not invoked for AssetCollection

  • #2137 - LOGGING_STARTED never get updated to True

  • #2138 - Log typo when invoke hook

  • #2140 - suite retrieved from COMPS has duplicated experiments


  • #1936 - Add a constant for path to user home “.idmtools” directory


  • #1985 - Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /idmtools_platform_local/idmtools_webui

  • #2046 - Bump @hapi/hoek from 8.5.0 to 8.5.1 in /idmtools_platform_local/idmtools_webui

  • #2072 - Update pytest-xdist requirement from ~=3.1 to ~=3.3

  • #2081 - Bump crypto-js from 3.1.9-1 to 3.3.0 in /idmtools_platform_local/idmtools_webui

  • #2085 - Update natsort requirement from ~=8.2.0 to ~=8.4.0

  • #2099 - Bump pipreqs from 0.4.11 to 0.4.12 in /examples

  • #2111 - Update sqlalchemy requirement from ~=1.4.45 to ~=2.0.18

  • #2113 - Update more-itertools requirement from ~=9.0.0 to ~=9.1.0

  • #2114 - Update pluggy requirement from ~=1.0.0 to ~=1.2.0

  • #2115 - Update psycopg2-binary requirement from ~=2.9.5 to ~=2.9.6

  • #2116 - Update flask requirement from ~=2.2.2 to ~=2.3.2

  • #2117 - Bump sphinx-copybutton from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2

  • #2118 - Update allure-pytest requirement from <2.13,>=2.8.34 to >=2.8.34,<2.14

  • #2076 - Bump markupsafe from 2.1.1 to 2.1.3


  • #2155 - Remove Bayesian tests

  • #2150 - Add hook tests to comps, file, slurm platforms


  • #1950 - Can not find Eradication when use shared folder

  • #1925 - PlatformAnalysis cannot do single simulation Analysis

  • #2108 - add metadata for python3.11 to all setup.py package


  • #2141 - docs/gitignores

  • #2142 - Read the Docs Sphinx updates

  • #2151 - changed default search behavior to search only across this doc project