
Additional Changes#

  • #1954 - idmtools objects id’s should be unique strings not UUIDs

  • #2022 - Add example for ssmt with extra packages


  • #1810 - Support alternate id generators

  • #1930 - Add idmtools_platform_post_create_item to plugin registry

  • #1939 - Add idmtools_platform_post_create_item hook


  • #1943 - Update pygithub requirement from ~=1.56 to ~=1.57

  • #1946 - Update pygit2 requirement from <1.11.0,>=1.4.0 to >=1.4.0,<1.12.0

  • #1948 - Update sqlalchemy requirement from ~=1.4.43 to ~=1.4.44

  • #1949 - Bump sphinx-copybutton from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1

  • #1957 - Update pycomps requirement from ~=2.9 to ~=2.10

  • #1958 - Update allure-pytest requirement from <2.12,>=2.8.34 to >=2.8.34,<2.13

  • #1959 - Update flake8 requirement from ~=5.0.4 to ~=6.0.0

  • #1961 - Update twine requirement from ~=4.0.1 to ~=4.0.2

  • #1967 - Update pytest-xdist requirement from ~=3.0 to ~=3.1

  • #1976 - Bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 in /idmtools_platform_local/idmtools_webui

  • #1978 - Update sqlalchemy requirement from ~=1.4.44 to ~=1.4.45

  • #1983 - Bump express from 4.17.1 to 4.18.2 in /idmtools_platform_local/idmtools_webui


  • #2020 - Add example for ssmt with extra packages based on Clinton’s example

  • #2023 - Add unittests for idmtools_platform_file and add/update github actions

  • #2026 - Fix test in File platform

  • #2039 - Add file platform cli tests

  • #2045 - Add unittests and examples for file and process platforms

Feature Request#

  • #1817 - Feature request: better to have a utility to display simulations status

  • #2004 - Implement SlurmPlatform Status utility

  • #2025 - File platform: implemented experiment execution (batch and status, etc.)

  • #1928 - Design: File Only Platform

  • #2029 - Add support for ProcessPlatform

  • #1938 - File platform: implementation of CLI utility

  • #2044 - Platform-General: implementation of ProcessPlatform