Vector migration#
The vector migration file describes the rate of migration of vectors out of a geographic node analogously to human migration (see Migration files for more information). The vector model does not support migration by age and age-based migration in the migration file will cause an error, but does support migration by vector gender as well as migration based on genetics (see below). Vector migration is one way, such that each trip made by a vector is independent of previous trips made by the vector.
Note: If default geography is used (the configuration parameter Enable_Demographics_Builtin is set to 1, and Default_Geography_Initial_Node_Population and Default_Geography_Torus_Size are configured), vector migration will be built internally and vectors will automatically migrate.
Vectors do not have a “MigrationType” as each species uses only one file for all their migration needs.
Each vector species has its own Vector_Migration_Filename; if it is left as an empty string, no migration will happen for that species. The Vector_Migration_Modifier_Equation and its parameters can influence female vector migration to particular nodes over others, while x_Vector_Migration is a multiplier that affects the migration rates for both genders. See Configuration parameters for more information on the parameters governing vector migration.
Vector Migration Using Genetics#
Vectors have a type of migration not available to humans set with GenderDataType = VECTOR_MIGRATION_BY_GENETICS in the migration metadata file (usually a .bin.json file).
For information, see Different rates depending on genetics of the vector.
Vector Migration Files#
The Binary file structure for the vector migration files is the same as it is for human files. The Allele_Combinations array, when present for vector VECTOR_MIGRATION_BY_GENETICS, is used in the same capacity as AgesYears array would be to maintain the same structure of the file. Please see How to create migration files for more details.