DTK-Tools converted to idmtools#
The following converted from DTK-Tools to idmtools example performs analysis on simulation output data in .csv files and returns the result data in a .csv file:
import os
import pandas as pd
from idmtools.entities import IAnalyzer
from idmtools.analysis.analyze_manager import AnalyzeManager
from idmtools.core import ItemType
from idmtools.core.platform_factory import Platform
class CSVAnalyzer(IAnalyzer):
def __init__(self, filenames, parse=True):
super().__init__(parse=parse, filenames=filenames)
if not all(['csv' in os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower() for f in self.filenames]):
raise Exception('Please ensure all filenames provided to CSVAnalyzer have a csv extension.')
def initialize(self):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.working_dir, "output_csv")):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.working_dir, "output_csv"))
def map(self, data, simulation):
concatenated_df = pd.concat(list(data.values()), axis=0, ignore_index=True, sort=True)
return concatenated_df
def reduce(self, all_data):
results = pd.concat(list(all_data.values()), axis=0,
keys=[k.id for k in all_data.keys()],
results.index = results.index.droplevel(1)
results.to_csv(os.path.join("output_csv", self.__class__.__name__ + '.csv'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
platform = Platform('COMPS')
filenames = ['output/c.csv']
analyzers = [CSVAnalyzer(filenames=filenames)]
experiment_id = '9311af40-1337-ea11-a2be-f0921c167861'
manager = AnalyzeManager(configuration={}, partial_analyze_ok=True, platform=platform,
ids=[(experiment_id, ItemType.EXPERIMENT)],
You can quickly see this analyzer in use by running the included CSVAnalyzer
example class.