Force working directory#

You can force analyzers to use a specific working directory other than the default, which is the directory from which the analyzer is run. For example, if you install idmtools to the \idmtools directory and then run one of the example analyzers from their default directory, \examples\analyzers, then the default working directory would be \idmtools\examples\analyzers.

To force a working directory, you use the force_manager_working_directory parameter from the AnalyzeManager class. The following python code, using the DownloadAnalyzer as an example , illustrates different ways on how to use and configure the force_manager_working_directory parameter and how it works and interacts with the working_dir parameter:

from idmtools.analysis.analyze_manager import AnalyzeManager
from idmtools.analysis.download_analyzer import DownloadAnalyzer
from idmtools.core import ItemType
from idmtools.core.platform_factory import Platform

if __name__ == '__main__':
    platform = Platform('COMPS2')
    filenames = ['StdOut.txt']
    experiment_id = '11052582-83da-e911-a2be-f0921c167861'  # comps2 staging exp id

# force_manager_working_directory = False (default value):
# Analyzers will use their own specified working_dir if available. If not, the AnalyzeManager
# specified working_dir will be used (default: '.').
# force_manager_working_directory = True
# Analyzers will use the AnalyzeManager specified working_dir (default: '.')

# Examples

# This will use the default working_dir for both analyzers (the current run directory, '.')
analyzers = [DownloadAnalyzer(filenames=filenames, output_path='DL1'),
             DownloadAnalyzer(filenames=filenames, output_path='DL2')]
manager = AnalyzeManager(platform=platform, ids=[(experiment_id, ItemType.EXPERIMENT)],

# This will use the manager-specified working_dir for both analyzers
analyzers = [DownloadAnalyzer(filenames=filenames, output_path='DL1'),
             DownloadAnalyzer(filenames=filenames, output_path='DL2')]
manager = AnalyzeManager(platform=platform, ids=[(experiment_id, ItemType.EXPERIMENT)],
                         analyzers=analyzers, working_dir='use_this_working_dir_for_both_analyzers')

# This will use the analyzer-specified working_dir for DL1 and the manager-specified dir for DL2
analyzers = [DownloadAnalyzer(filenames=filenames, output_path='Dl1', working_dir='DL1_working_dir'),
             DownloadAnalyzer(filenames=filenames, output_path='DL2')]
manager = AnalyzeManager(platform=platform, ids=[(experiment_id, ItemType.EXPERIMENT)],
                         analyzers=analyzers, working_dir='use_this_working_dir_if_not_set_by_analyzer')

# This will use the manager-specified dir for both DL1 and DL2, even though DL1 tried to set its own
analyzers = [DownloadAnalyzer(filenames=filenames, output_path='DL1', working_dir='DL1_working_dir'),
             DownloadAnalyzer(filenames=filenames, output_path='DL2')]
manager = AnalyzeManager(platform=platform, ids=[(experiment_id, ItemType.EXPERIMENT)],
                         analyzers=analyzers, working_dir='use_this_working_dir_if_not_set_by_analyzer',