Partial analysis#

You can use analyzers for a partial analysis of simulations. This allows you to only analyze succeeded simulations, while one or more simulations within an experiment may have failed. In addition, you can analyze both succeeded and failed simulations.

Analysis on only succeeded simulations#

For partial analysis only on the succeeded simulations, where one or more simulations may have failed, you set to “True” the partial_analyze_ok parameter from the AnalyzeManager class, as seen in the following python code excerpt:

analyzers = [CSVAnalyzer(filenames=filenames)]
manager = AnalyzeManager(platform=self.platform, partial_analyze_ok=True,
                         ids=[(experiment_id, ItemType.EXPERIMENT)],

Analysis on both succeeded and failed simulations#

For analysis on both succeeded and failed simulations, you set to “True” the analyze_failed_items parameter from the AnalyzeManager class, as seen in the following python code excerpt:

analyzers = [CSVAnalyzer(filenames=filenames)]
manager = AnalyzeManager(platform=self.platform, analyze_failed_items=True,
                         ids=[(experiment_id, ItemType.EXPERIMENT)],